Do marketing emails work?

We’ve said it once and we will say it again. YES!

Email Marketing is a highly effective digital marketing strategy that allows you to reach your customers directly.

No more fighting with algorithms and Google Updates or getting lost in the noise of social media. You own your audience and your audience wants to hear from you.

In addition to it being a primary source of communication, email marketing yields the highest return on investment (ROI) with the medium ROI for Email Marketing being a staggering 122% - four times higher than any other digital marketing channel.

Read our blog on some of the benefits that email marketing has to offer you.

How can I improve my email marketing?

So you’ve seen the benefits of email marketing, and you have probably seen our blog on Klaviyo’s Industry Benchmarks. But perhaps your email marketing isn’t performing as well as you hoped it would be. Well, we would like to introduce you to the five T’s of email marketing.

Five easy and actionable tasks you can start today that will help you get more out of your email marketing efforts.

What are the 5 Ts of email marketing?

Tease - Use your subject lines to “tease” the content of your emails, but make sure that you deliver the content you have promised to deliver or you run the risk of being marked as spam, or coming across “clickbaity” and losing the customer relationship.Cheeky subject line

Target - Personalisation is one of the best ways to increase engagement in email marketing. The more personalised your content is, the better it will perform. The more personalised the content that your audience is seeing, the more likely they are to engage and ultimately convert.


Teach - Use your email marketing as an opportunity to increase engagement, but to also position yourself as an industry leader. Make sure that your content is valuable and that your readers are learning something new and exciting with every email that you send.


Test - You might not get it right the first time, but thankfully email marketing makes it easy to quickly analyse and understand what works and what doesn't. A/B testing your subject lines, images and experimenting with timing and content will help you find the perfect balance that your audience is most interested in.Test

Track - Keeping a close eye and tracking your email marketing results is going to be an extremely useful tool when you want to see your improvement over time and analyse what content your audience is engaging with. Thankful, Klaviyo has made this easy for you. Klaviyo's new Reports Library has a collection of pre-built reports highlighting and leveraging relevant data to answer these questions you will inevitably be asking about the performance of your email.Track

What are the steps of email marketing?

1. Set Measurable Goals

2. Choose an Email Template or build one from scratch

3. Write enticing email copy

4. Stay out of the spam folder

5. Review, test and send your email marketing campaign

6. Measure your results

How can I make my email better?

You can improve your email marketing by implementing the steps we have given you here, but if you have gotten to this point, and you want to see if you can turn email marketing into a better revenue stream for your business. The team to help you set up Klaviyo for your store is one click away.

Klaviyo and Email Marketing allows companies of all sizes to further grow their business by implementing some of the methods we have mentioned above. From having more control over your marketing and building solid and meaningful customer relationships to driving more conversions and discovering additional sales opportunities. That’s where Blend comes in, our team is here to help you reach and exceed your Email Marketing goals.

Our Klaviyo team has become your email marketing team, and we’re making continuous improvements based on the biggest need. This gives you the peace of mind to focus on the bigger picture for your Shopify store. Contact us today to find out how we can help you.

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Marketing Strategist

Our problem-solving enthusiast and Marketing Strategist, Carmen, has expertise that lies in the realms of analytics and strategy, where she’s been known to work magic and famously knows all the answers. What truly sets Carmen apart is her unquenchable thirst for knowledge. She’s continually adding new skills to her arsenal, all with the goal of making Blend an even better place and providing comprehensive solutions for our clients when it comes to their overall marketing strategy, whether on-site or through marketing.

Published: August 25 2021

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