Our team ran a Google Analytics, UI/UX and Site Speed Audit in the discovery phase of our partnership and discovered that Goats Milk Stuff was experiencing a high bounce rate and some issues with their Accessibility.
With the insights from these audits and the goals of Goat Milk Stuff, our developers were able to find solutions to these challenges with the following actions:
- Built a brand new site using the Turbo theme, which showed a significant improvement in the site speed and bounce rate.
- Created Custom Collections pages showing more information about each type of product which helped to increase conversions and make the site easy to navigate and use.
- Created a custom feature to add a free booklet to Cart when a product is purchased.
- Added a ‘Pick Up on the Farm’ Option to the cart by editing the Check Out page.
- Implemented a subscription service and migrated customers to ReCharge.
- Built a Bundle Feature to help track inventory
- Built a custom quiz to show customers personalised recommendations