54% Increase in Revenue with a Growth Partnership

The Brief

Eco Kids Planet approached Blend with the challenge of retaining their huge customer base through their site. We understood early on that they had one focus of a simple experience to help the users navigate the site and to understand exactly what Eco Kids Planet do and why they do it. Prior to working with Blend, Eco Kids Planet experienced a drop in revenue from Q2 2020 to Q3 2020 of 45%, and this was something that we understood that needed to be tackled immediately.


Following our initial analysis, we realised that some specific actions were needed to make this happen. The add to cart button was quite low down below the fold, so this was addressed as a matter of priority. We also felt that we needed to simplify the call to action and make the user experience a little more seamless. Users naturally scroll down first and then go back up and browse in an F/E direction which is a known tool of User Experience and we wanted to improve this for Eco Kids Planet.

How Blend helped

Blends initial analysis included Hotjar analysis, the creation of a Google Analytics Audit and UI/UX report. By using this research, we designed desktop and mobile versions of the site to focus on what we’d observed. 


We also felt that the Eco Kids Planet branding  needed to be strengthened to give the clarity that the client was looking for. By using existing colours and changing their fonts to have clearer branding across their site, we felt that we were able to achieve what was needed.


Key learnings from these reports were:


  • Seamlessness Experience 
    We needed to create a more seamless shopping experience for users to navigate the website more easily.


  • Retain Subscriptions
    Existing subscription customers are the main source of income. Eco Kids were losing them, and we had to make sure to retain as many of them as possible.


  • Focus on Products
    The products needed to be more of the focus as people didn’t know what they were shopping on the site.


Blend implemented some upgraded design features to the website by improving the home and product pages and really focusing on what Eco Kids Planet sells - magazine subscriptions for kids. We also focused on navigation, making the entire checkout process simpler and easier.


Navigation is critical for any website. It’s the place that near enough everyone uses to easily journey through a website. A navigational bar at the top of a website is a piece of UI that contains useful links across a website. Having the right kind of links within the navigation is highly important - some studies have shown that up to 50% of sales could be avoided due to users not being able to find the correct information quickly enough.


It should be logical, secondly, it needs to be intuitive, it needs to be structured properly, clear, consistent, simple, visual - but most importantly - accessible.


This is why navigations are important - well best practice really. This is why Blend approached the navigation with Eco Kids Planet with a goal in mind to make it easier and more accessible for users (giving more pages for SEO).

The results

Eco Kids Planet has seen remarkable results in the three months since the store redesign went live. Not only are conversions up by 13%, but the Average Order Value is up by 48% too. We have seen an increase in Direct Traffic by 53% as well as a Revenue increase of 54%. Quarter 4 has increased by 41%.

Increase in Revenue


Increase in Conversion Rate (CR)


Increase in Direct Traffic


Increase in Average Order Value

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