One of the most crucial elements of any brand is that they build trust for their customers. If they believe in the products, they are much more likely to continue purchasing with them. It's very important that a company can prove that its brand is a trusted one. A surefire way of doing this is to show the other consumers who have been happy purchasing from them.

This can be done by getting customers to leave reviews on your store. Consumers love to know that others are raving about the product they are looking to buy. It's also important that merchants show they care about their customers. Showing that to them they are not just another number, but that they see them as an individual is valuable. Asking them to leave a review can do just that. Reviews have the power to influence a customer’s decisions and increase your credibility.

Who are is the ideal choice for enabling reviews on your Shopify store. As a Google licensed review partner, you can increase your store’s visibility on Google. 63.6% of consumers say they check the online google reviews before they even visit a business’s store, so it's super important to have this option as a Shopify merchant. has had great results from the merchants that use them. On average, merchants increase revenue by up to 23%.

It is possible to leave all sorts of reviews via the app. Customers can review the company as a whole or an individual product. They can also review via SMS, which are proven to be 3x more effective than email. SMS is quick to complete for the customers and also allows them to upload photos too.

How to setup on your store

Adding the app is simple to install. This gives a dashboard whereby you can access all the benefits of the app. The first step is to set up an invitation email template. This is an invitation that is sent to customers asking them if they would like to leave a review on your site.

Another option of setup is adding in Review Booster. This allows clients to gather many reviews quickly and allows customers to write company or product reviews. examples

How does help Shopify merchants with retention, loyalty, and sales?

One of the main positives of asking a customer to leave a review is that it makes them feel that their purchase is important. Its also shows that the company cares about them and values their custom. By responding to positive and negative reviews, a business can show empathy. This caring persona will leave the customer feeling valued and can reward the merchant with their loyalty.

Another key way that can help to increase sales is by helping the merchant to focus on specific demographics. By gaining local reviews, it helps the company to have the best reputation in their area, and to beat their competitors.

How does integrate with other key Shopify apps? have a great relationship with various other apps. The app integrates with Gorgias, (a customer service app) by allowing the customer support team to respond to reviews and queries via the Gorgias app. They also work in conjunction with Loyalty Lion (a loyalty and rewards app), by giving the merchant an option to reward consumers who leave reviews on their store. In turn, this encourages repeat sales and that particular customer to stay loyal to their brand.

What is the cost per month of is very cost-effective, and they offer 3 packages. The ‘Small Business’ package gives a maximum of 400 reviews per month of their store and costs $89 per month, The most popular package, the ‘Growing Business’ one, costs $159 per month, and allows up to 2500 reviews and google shopping reviews. The third and final package gives unlimited numbers of reviews and 300 SMS invitations, for $799+ per month. To see the benefits of all the packages in full visit their website on

Examples of ROI from

Success stories of how a brand has benefited from adding may be what sways a merchant to include this app on their store. list a wide range of case studies on their website. For example, independent clothes retailer ‘Jules B’. Within just 3 months of adding the app, they increased their conversion and turnover rates by 18%. This was achieved by having the opportunity to get company and product reviews from their consumers, which was something a previous review app they were using would not allow them to do. company reviews section

Another example is an online hosiery store ‘The Tightspot’. They wanted to enhance their customer journey by allowing them to leave reviews on their products. Since installing, they have achieved an incredible conversion increase of up to 30%, especially on the products which have lots of reviews.

Next steps with and Blend is the newest partner to the Blend family, and we're delighted to have them on board. If you would like to find out more about Blend or, please contact us using the button below.

Published: May 04, 2020

Last updated: October 09, 2024

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